孙颂南, 1962年出生,翻译,毕业于山东师范大学英语专业。主要从事的工作为商务英语教学,承担《国际市场营销英语》、《国际贸易理论与实务英语》以及《管理学英语》等教学工作。2016年与同行编著过《营销管理英语》教材。邮箱:1023460035@qq.com
(1)试论英语教学中教与学的双方因素2002.2 《山东外语教学》
(2)《试析英语教学情感因素》 2006.3 《科学与管理》
《营销管理英语》 2016.12 九州出版社 主编
(1)以学生为中心 提升思辨能力—浅谈《高级英语》课程教学改革 2016.7 《亚太教育》
(2)由苹果公司广告的汉译引发的不可译思考 2015.9 《考试周刊》
(3)浅析英语写作中的问题与对策 2013.3 《山东外语教学》
(4)简析中美经济报道之差异-从两则经济新闻说开去 2010.4 《商业文化》
(5)浅析商务英语函电的语言特点及汉译 2009.10 《高校英语教学研究论文集》上海外语教育出版社
(1)《商务英语综合教程》 2010.8 电子工业出版社 副主编
(2)《商务英语听说4》 2010.2 冶金工业出版社 副主编
(1)基于学习者自身因素导致的负动机及其对策的影响 2016.12 《当代实践与教学研究》
(2)论反思教学的视角和手段 2016.11 《校园英语》
(3)应用英文歌曲促进大学英语教学2013.6 《山东外语教学》
(1)2014年山东省教育厅项目: 非洲史诗的历史与美学特征,参与,5 / 7, 结题。
Song F. & Liu Z. Q. (2014). On the Rules Governing the Conceptualization of “Qian” in Intrinsic Frames of Reference. Journal of Dezhou University, 30(3), 1-5.
Song Fang (2014). An Acoustic Analysis of Monophthongs in Weihai Huancui Dialect.Journal of Jiamusi Vocational College, 12, 147-149.
Song F. & Li J. (2013). A Case Study on the Assessment and Reformation of Foreign Language Test for Employees of Export-oriented Enterprises. Shandong Foreign Language Teaching Journal, 3, 75-78.
Li J. & Song F. (2013). Revisiting the Relationship between Language and Business in Business English Teaching: An Empirical Study on the Performances of Business English Majors. China Adult Education, 10, 151-153.
Song F & Li J. (2012). A Quest for the Application of WebQuest in Simulated International Trade Teaching. Contemporary Issues of Higher Education: Approaches and Perspectives, pp 40-44.
Song F. (2012). On the Metonymical and Metaphorical Mapping Mechanism in Semantic Change: A Case Study on the Evolution of Temporal and Spatial Senses of “Qian”. Paper presented at International Conference on Lexicology & the 9th National Conference on Chinese Lexicology. Jinan, Shandong
Song F. (2010). Sequence Time Metaphors in Chinese Contracts. Paper presented at Languages and International Business: First Forum across Disciplines. Beijing
Song F. & Zhang D. (2009). English for Business Public Relations. Shandong Science and Technology Press, Jinan, Shandong.
Principal Investigator, ”Key Project of China National Foundation of Foreign Language Education Research Fund.” Factor-analysis-based Curriculum Design for Business English Majors: A Multidimensional Analysis on the Needs of Stakeholders of Business English Education. Funding period: 07, 2014-07,2016.
Investigator, “Provincial Key Project of Shandong Bureau of Statistics Project.” An Empirical Study on the Development of Regional Cultural Capital and Regional Economy. Project period: 10, 2013-10, 2014.
Co-principal Investigator. “Shandong Soft Science Project, Department of Science and Technology of Shandong Province.” AHP-based Evaluation of the Performances of Business & Foreign-language Graduates in Export-oriented Enterprises in Shandong Province. Project period: 06, 2013-06,2014.
Investigator, “Shandong Jiaotong University Project.” Need-analysis Based Business English Curriculum Design for Business English Majors: A Case Study of the Development of Business English Curriculum of Shandong Jiaotong University. Funding period: 09, 2013-09, 2014.
Investigator, “Jinan Philosophy and Social Science Project, Jinan Philosophy and Social Science Office.” Research in Jinan City Cultural Capital and City Image Construction. Project period: 04, 2013-04,2014
Co-principal Investigator, “Department of Commerce of Shandong Province Project.” On the Strategic Development of Shandong and ASEAN Trade & Economic Cooperation in ASEAN–China Free Trade Area. Funding period: 04, 2012-04,2013
Investigator, “Project of Shandong Federation of Social Science Circles.” On the Strategic Development of Communication Between Chinese and Western Cultures in Trade & Economic Cooperation. Funding period: 07, 2011-07,2012
Investigator, “Shandong Soft Science Project, Department of Science and Technology of Shandong Province.” Factors Affecting the Export Channel Choice of Private Enterprises in Shandong Province. Funding period: 07, 2011-07,2012.
Investigator, “National Vocational College English Teaching Reformation Project, Ministry of Education of China.” Research on On-site Teaching English for Tourism. Project period: 09, 2010-09, 2011.
Investigator, “National Vocational College English Teaching Reformation Project, Ministry of Education of China.” Teaching Communicative Strategy in the English Class of Vocational Colleges. Project period 05, 2009-05, 2010.
2015 Award for Teaching Ethics by Shandong Jiaotong University
2015 Third Prize Award in the Sixth National Foreign Language Teaching Competition (in Business Group of Shandong Province)
2014 Excellent Textbook Award (First Class) by Shandong International Economic Association, Shandong, China.
2014 Excellent Research Paper Award (Second Class) by Foreign Languages & Linguistics Society, Shandong, China.
2014 Second prize of Soft Science Achievements, by Department of Science & Technology of Shandong Province.
2014 Excellent Research Paper Award (Second Class) in the 7th Foreign Language Teaching Forum for Chinese and International Teachers, by Shandong Provincial Education Department.
2012 Second Class Scholarship for Excellent Students, by Linguistics Institute of China.
2011, 2012 Third prize of Soft Science Achievements, by Department of Science & Technology of Shandong Province.
2011 Excellent English MC Award, by Shandong Association for Science & Technology.
2008, 2009, 2011 Excellent Teacher of Shandong Jiaotong University, by Shandong Jiaotong University.
(4)跨文化交际微课模式应用与实践:个人主义VS集体主义【J】. 文学教育,2016,(9).
(中国外语教育基金项目重点课题) 6/6
(2)2014年应用技术型大学视域下的外语专业人才培养方案体系构建研究与实践 3/6
(3)2016年 文化产业统计系统优化路径探析(山东省统计科研重点研究课题) 2/4
(4)基于山东文化强省战略的文化产业统计系统优化路径探析(山东省统计局) 2/3
(2)2013.6 山东交通学院课程考核改革二等奖
(3)2014.9 山东交通学院青年教师基本技能大赛 一等奖
(4)2015.5第四届POCIB外贸从业大赛 团体一等奖 指导教师一等奖
(5)2015.7首届商务英语专业教师微课大赛 三等奖
(6)2016.5年第五届POCIB外贸从业大赛 团体一等奖 指导教师一等奖
(7)2016.8外研社“教学之星”风采大赛 复赛 一等奖
(8)2016.8 第二届商务英语专业教师微课大赛 决赛 二等奖
(1) 移动互联网背景下的大学英语写作教学新思维 2014.23《时代教育》
(2) 大学英语课堂幽默授课的探索 2013.3《山东外语教学》
(1) 专著《莫里森作品的文化定位》获得2011年度山东省高等学校优秀成果一等奖;
(2) 论文“非洲史诗传统” 获得2007年度山东省高等学校优秀成果三等奖;
(3) 论文“ACHI Teaching Model Used in Teaching Societies and Cultures of English-Speaking Countries” 获得2015年度山东省优秀教学论文一等奖;